Partnership Biodiversity
Transnational exchange in land use and biodiversity science in Madagascar
The goal of the project is to train a new generation of Malagasy biodiversity and land use experts and to consolidate the exchange between the cooperating universities in Germany and Madagascar.
The exchange project enables conference offers, workshops, symposia, project-related stays, and student excursions. These activities primarily benefit Malagasy doctoral students, but also extend to MSc students and researchers from cooperating universities and associated institutions in Madagascar and Germany. In addition, a regular conservation roundtable for the SAVA region in north-eastern Madagascar, which is also funded through the project, includes civil society actors from the field of nature conservation. With this, the projects also builds a lasting link between science and practice.
With these activities, the project complements activities in the Diversity Turn Project and enables a continuous exchange between project partners, laying a corner stone for future research projects planned beyond 2022.
People, funding, & contacts
My role: Co-development of idea; co-writing of proposal and budget; administrative and financial project management (2019-2020); reporting (2019-2020).
Group: Biodiversity, Macroecology, and Biogeography group of Prof. Holger Kreft at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Funding: German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (166’990 €),
Duration: 2019-2022
More information: Contact me!