Biodiversity | Conservation | Land System Science
Research summary
I’m an Assistant Professor for Resilient Landscapes in the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation group at the Department of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands.
My research focuses on how landscapes can work for people and nature. Specifically, I work towards understanding trade-offs and co-benefits between biodiversity, ecosystem services, and agricultural productivity and how these are affected by land-use practices, including forest restoration and agroforestry. I aim to bring knowledge into action by designing relevant and applicable research through co-production processes. Furthermore, I’m passionate about open science, science communication, and collaborations with researchers from diverse backgrounds.
I’m Co-PI of the second phase of the research unit “The role of nature for human well-being in the Kilimanjaro Social-Ecological System” (Kili-SES) funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. I’m also Co-PI of the “Considering local demand for more effective restoration in Madagascar” (Demand4Restoration) project funded through the “Solution-oriented research for development” (SOR4D) program of the Swiss National Science foundation.
![Researchers in Madagascar](https://martin.science/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/researchers-madagascar_500.jpg)
![Slash and burn in Madagascar](https://martin.science/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/slash_and_burn_madagascar_500.jpg)